We provide the best online training in Core & Advance JAVA
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- Full Practical Knowledge
- Provide All Type Of Notes
- Duration: 2 month
- Earliest Start Date: Contact Us
- All Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi
- Study Type: Online
- Time: Part-time
What is JAVA?
Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based, object-oriented, and designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. … Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying computer architecture.
Our course in Core & Advance Java
Core Java Content
- Lesson 1:Introduction to java
- What is java
- Introduction to JVM
- Classes and Objects
- Setting a Class Path
- Simple Program in Java (Compile & Run)
- Data Types & Identifiers
- Operators
- Declaring constant value
- Use of DataInputStream class
- Use of Scanner class
- Conditional Statements
- Array & Looping (Mix concepts)
- Lesson 2:Constructor
- Declaring constructor
- Parameterized Constructor
- Copy constructor
- User Define Constructor
- Lesson 3:Static Variable
- Static and non-static variable
- Static block
- Calling static and non-static variable
- Declaring static value
- Lesson 4:This Keyword
- Definition of this
- Without using ‘this’ keyword
- Using ‘this’ keyword
- Call of this
- Returning of ‘this’
- Constructor call using ’this’
- Lesson 5:Inheritance
- Types of inheritance
- Use of ‘extends’ and ‘super’ keywords
- Inheritance with constructor and methods
- Why multiple inheritance is not there in java
- Aggregation Inheritance
- Lesson 6:Abstraction
- Abstract with class and methods
- Upcasting with objects
- What is Interface
- Use of ‘implements’ keyword
- Interface with class
- Lesson 7:Method Overriding and Overloading
- Difference between Overriding and overloading
- Concept of downcasting
- Polymorphism
- Lesson 8:Final and instanceOf keywords
- Final variable
- Final methods
- Use of ‘instanceOf’ keyword
- Lesson 9:Exception Handling
- Simple Program Of Exception Handling
- Use Of Try And Catch
- Arithmetic exceptions
- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception
- NumberFormatException
- Nested try/catch
- User defined exception
- Use throw and throws
- Lesson 10:Multithreading
- What Is Thread
- Sleep method
- Current thread method
- Thread priorities
- Program With Multithreading
- Creating thread using ‘Thread’ class and ‘Runnable ‘
- Interface
- Synchronization
- Use of ‘isAlive’ and ‘join’ method
- Use of ‘wait’ and ‘notify’
- Lesson 11:String Handling
- Using Various Types Of String Functions
- String constructor
- Character extraction
- Use of StringBuffer class
- Equals(),indexof(),charAt(),getcahrs(),setCahr(),charAt(),inse
- rt(),reverse(),toString(),trim()
- Lesson 12:File Handling
- Different file methods
- Reading/writing of file
- Creating directories
- Copy,renaming files
- FileOutputStream,FileInputStream,InputStream,OutputStream
- Using FileNameFilter
- Working with file objects
- File I/O basics
- Lesson 13:Applet and AWT
- Applet Basics
- Init() and paint() method
- Introducing AWT
- Buttons,Labels,Textfields,Checkbox,CheckBoxGroup,Choice
- control,List control
- Using AWT layouts
- MouseListener and MouseMotionListener
- Adapter class,Nested class and Anonymous inner class
- Creating Frame, Closing frame, Applet and frame
- Cardlayout,Panel,Menus
- Advance Java Content
- Lesson1:Java Swing
- Images,JButton,JTextField,JCheckbx,JRadioButton,JPanels
- ToggleButton control,JScrollPane
- JTree,DefaultMutableTreeNode,Hashtable
- JTabbedPane,SetRolloverIcon,SetSelectedIcon
- DialogBox Control
- Lesson2:JDBC(java database connectivity)
- Intorduction to JDBC
- MySQL database
- Creating database
- Create
- Retrieve
- Update
- Delete
- Creating connectivity to database
- Creating packages in Netbeans IDE
- Connection to database
- Using MySql JDBC jar
- Use of Statement class
- Use of PreparedSatement class
- Creating SingleTonConnection class
- Lesson3:Servlet
- Web application basics
- Introduction to servlet
- Developing servlet
- Handling Request and Response
- Initializing servlet
- Accessing database
- Creating HTML file
- Creating Web.xml file
- Handling CRUD operation
- Lesson4:JSP(Java Server Pages)
- Why JSP
- JSP Scripting elements
- JSP Comment
- JSP Expression
- JSP Scriptlet
- JSP Directive
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